The Poetry of Silence "My poems are born in the experience of silence that leads me to moments of contact with the Void. Living out silence means giving attention to the mystery that permeates our existence, it means giving value to life generated with us from the same mystery. Silence is an experience that leads opens a door from the logic of the visible. The logic of the visible is only appearance, where the true tale is not as seems. Traditions and legacies are battered into meaningless stories. There is no respect for life, leading to sufferance of both humans and other creatures. The call of transcendence that everyone carries within is suffocated, thus denying access to unbound knowledge. Silence changes the perception of the meaning of life. Changing perspectives with which one lives the visible, seeking consistency with its harmony. It is not acceptable to suffer. It is not acceptable to be duped with stories and systems that take precedence over the freedom of the individual. It is not acceptable to see our inner eternity quashed. Poems act as constructive provocation. Stones cast into the waters of indifference. They are pretexts to awaken from the logic of the visible and embrace the sense of the invisible revealed in silence. My poems speak of man and his traveling companions, animals. They speak of the relationship with the mystery that permeates existence." Giancarlo Barbadoro